Traditional Skills Schools

Traditional Building Skills for Schools in Stirling

We support the development of traditional building skills by offering training and skills events to young people in Stirling.

Women In Construction

Stirling City Heritage Trust has conceived of and organised a series of skills events for high school age girls, where the majority of the demonstrators were women, with the aim of inspiring female high school students to consider a career in the construction/heritage sector.

To date, we have held three Women In Construction events. The success of these events has proved that, given the opportunity, young women are interested in participating and in finding out about the opportunities in this sector.

In 2020, we held our first Women in Construction event at Bannockburn High School in collaboration with DYW Forth Valley, Historic Environment Scotland, and the Forth Valley Traditional Building Forum. The event encourages female high school pupils to consider a career in the construction sector by showing them how varied, creative and rewarding the work can be.

The majority of speakers and demonstrators at these events are women working in the construction and heritage sectors, as SCHT believes that ‘you can’t be what you can’t see’.

Download our Women in Construction 2020 Event Report

Or watch a video of the event from Developing the Young Workforce Scotland.

Our second Women in Construction Event was held in 2023 at Wallace High School in collaboration with Historic Environment Scotland, Build Your Future, and the Forth Valley Traditional Building Forum.

Download our Women in Construction 2023 Event Report

Or watch a video of the event from Build Your Future.

Our latest event was held on the 8th March this year at Stirling High, to mark International Women's Day. We again collaborated with Historic Environment Scotland and the Forth Valley Traditional Building Forum.

Download our Women In Construction 2024 Event Report


Ffion Blench demonstrates traditional plastering techniques


Stone carving demonstration with Lara Townsend


A pupil tries out traditional signwriting


Brett Sinclair demonstrates land surveying with a theodolite


Lara Townsend demonstrates stone carving techniques

Our Work