Community Consultation launched for Stirling’s Heritage Strategy

Help shape the future of Stirling’s Heritage

Stirling City Heritage Trust is working with Stirling Council and local, regional and national organisations to create a heritage strategy for Stirling. The new heritage strategy will set out priorities and actions to ensure the conservation, protection and sustainability of Stirling’s heritage assets.

The strategy, which is being led and co-ordinated by Stirling City Heritage Trust, will provide a clear focus for the prioritisation and protection of heritage assets over the next three years.

Covering the whole of the Stirling Council area, it aims to celebrate the rich historic environment of Stirling, helping to shape an ambitious future for Stirling and to find new ways to invest in, enhance and make our heritage sustainable.

Stirling boasts a rich and varied historic environment. Many of the area’s heritage assets are already recognised as of significance, designated as Conservation Areas, listed buildings, battlefields and scheduled monuments. There are also elements which are undesignated but still have importance to local communities and contribute to a sense of place for many people.


Trust Manager, Dr Lindsay Lennie said, ‘We are delighted to be taking forward this important strategy on behalf of Stirling Council. We all appreciate the incredible historic environment in which we live and work in Stirling, but also acknowledge that work needs to be done to ensure it is appropriately cared for, protected and celebrated. The challenges ahead include tackling skills shortages, climate change and developing sustainable tourism’.

Engaging with Stirling’s residents is a key part of the development of Stirling’s Heritage Strategy and feedback from the community consultations will help to shape the approach taken and the creation of an action plan which will aid in planning for the future of Stirling’s heritage.

During the current development phase, there will be pop-up community events around the Stirling Council area, along with two online questionnaires to allow as many people as possible to share their thoughts and put their ideas forward.

Dr Lennie continued saying, ‘I would really encourage anyone who lives or works in the Stirling area to complete the questionnaires which are available on the Stirling City Heritage Trust website. The views of people and communities matter and we want those reflected in the strategy so the more people who give us their views the better. To support this, there will be a series of events this summer to allow people to get more information about the consultation and to contribute their views in person'.

Anyone wishing to fill out the online surveys can do so here.

A list of in person drop-in events can be found here.

The surveys will be open until Monday 15 July.

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