Education & Outreach

Outreach, Education and Training

The Trust is committed to promoting the wider understanding, enjoyment and appreciation of Stirling City’s historic built environment, raising awareness of Stirling’s heritage through activities or interpretation.

Recent activities have included funding traditional skills apprenticeships, hosting interns, and holding creative workshops and skills events for young people.

We also produce exhibitions, walking trails and publications which celebrate Stirling’s heritage and encourage pride of place on a variety of subjects.  

To hear more about our outreach programme, keep an eye on our social media channels and blog.

Our funders Historic Environment Scotland, support apprentices and trainees across Scotland, you can find out more here.

If you would like to get in touch about apprenticeship funding contact us here:


Traditional Skills For Schools

We support the development of traditional building skills by offering training and skills events to young people in Stirling.
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Dementia Outreach

SCHT has been working to contributed to strategic plans to promote mental health and wellbeing in Stirling by producing resources specifically designed for use by people with Dementia
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Stirling City Heritage Trust helps develop traditional building skills, preserve our historic environment and inspires people to appreciate their built heritage, Read more about our varied work in these publications.
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